Почетна » Новости » Шоу-бизнис » Славните личности со трогателни пораки се збогуваат со Коби Брајант и неговата ќерка

Славните личности со трогателни пораки се збогуваат со Коби Брајант и неговата ќерка

Прераната смрт на Коби Брајант и неговата 13-годишна ќерка Џиџи растажи милиони срца низ целиот свет.

Само часови по хеликоптерската несреќа во која згаснаа животите на кошаркарската легенда и неговата наследничка, која си пробиваше пат во спортскиот свет, многу славни личности јавно ја изразија нивната тага.

Шекил О'Нил

„Нема зборови со кои би ја изразил болката низ која минувам поради трагедијата во која ги изгубив мојата внука Џиџи и мојот брат Коби Брајант. Ве сакам и ќе недостигате. Мое сочувство за семејството Брајант и семејствата на другите патници.“

Барак Обама

„Коби беше легенда на теренот. Загубата на Џиана уште повеќе ни го крши срцето нас, како родители. Со Мишел испраќаме љубов и молитви до Ванеса и целото семејство Брајант на овој незамислив ден.“

Елен Деџенерис

Кристијано Роналдо

Усаин Болт

Мајкл Џордан

„Во шок сум по трагичната вест за смртта на Коби и Џиана. Нема зборови кои можат да опишат како се чувствувам. Го сакав Коби, тој ми беше како брат. Често зборувавме, ќе ми недостигаат тие разговори. Тој беше бестрашен соперник, еден од најдобрите во играта и креативна сила. Коби, исто така, беше неверојатен татко, кој го сакаше многу своето семејство и многу се гордееше со љубовта на неговата ќерка за кошарката.“

Новак Ѓоковиќ

Џенифер Лопез

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Family. As I scrolled through Kobe’s feed, and Alex and I talk memories and moments we remember about him ... this is the truth that rings out the loudest ... family is what matters most. We are all feeling sadness from this loss, but all I can think of is that it is a grain of sand compared to what Vanessa must going through right now. I am sending all of my love and praying for you, your children and the other families involved in today’s tragic turn of events. The most unfair thing in life is to lose a child and husband on the same day. Vanessa, I pray for your strength and that God guides you each step of the way through this unimaginable heartbreak. To the other families who are suffering from this unthinkable tragedy, may God be with you all. Kobe you meant so much to so many and we will miss you forever. Thank you for your work ethic, your inspiration and your heart. #hero #legend #husband #father

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Алекс Родригез

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My heart hurts so much right now. I still can't wrap my head around this. How can it be? . I learned so much from Kobe Bryant. He was naturally gifted, but had a passion for basketball like no one else I've ever seen. His work ethic was impeccable and his stress on mastering the fundamentals is what elevated him to the player he was. I've never met anyone more focused with a myopic approach. He didn't pursue approval, affirmation or adulation. He pursued excellence and process. He followed my career and would often call to help with my health, daily routine ... and would even chime in about hitting techniques. He was a role model to me, and millions around the world. . We met as teenagers. We followed similar paths. We went from high school to the pros and our baby girls grew up together. People don't know this, but he was my secret coach. He pushed me and motivated me, especially toward the end of my career when I needed him most. He was always there. Even after our playing days, he was there for me. He attended @Jlo's last show in Vegas. He appeared on TheCorp podcast. . I last saw him a few months ago. I will remember what he told me about how much he loved Vanessa and his girls, and that he continued to say no to 99 percent of offers, choosing instead to spend as much time with his family as possible. . I will remember his greatness. I will remember his guidance. I will remember his friendship. I will remember that he made me a better person. . His 13-year-old daughter Gianna was following in her Dad’s footsteps. She was kind, smart, caring and going to be a star. . Rest in peace, Kobe. Rest in peace, GiGi. My heart and prayers go out to the Bryant family and the passengers’ families.

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Џастин Бибер

„Не е можно. Секогаш ме охрабруваше, мамба. Ми ги даваше некои од најдобрите цитати за кои се смеевме до ден-денес. Те сакам!“

Камила Кабејо

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I’ve never been much of a sports fan but Kobe Bryant was a hero to me and it was his words and way of thinking and living that lifted me up during times where I felt like I couldn’t get off the ground. When I was 16 and going through what felt like an excruciatingly painful period in my life, I first saw Kobe’s MUSE documentary, and the mamba mentality is the only thing got me through every single performance. He was fighting inner demons, and so was I, and the way he used them to fuel his game on the court made me feel like I could use them to fuel me onstage. At my weakest moments I would channel a different person like he did, because when I felt broken and lost offstage, he taught me how to use my own pain, he taught me how to access strength I didn’t know I had, because on my worst days, I thought of Kobe and suddenly I could do things I didn’t think I could do. I watched every interview, I read every quote of his, and I wish that he knew how many times he saved me, how many times he helped me access a champion in myself that I couldn’t have seen on my own, how many times he helped me use my own demons, how many times he taught me how to use pain to make me a better person, how many times he taught me by example about life by the way he carried himself and the way he saw things.... and I never got the chance to tell him this in person. I’ve watched only two basketball games in my life, but what Kobe did for me changed the course of my life. I can’t imagine how many people he did this for. His legacy will live on in the lives and minds and souls that he touched, he made his mark not only in the game, but in humanity itself. He is a hero to me forever. Mamba forever.

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Тејлор Свифт

„Срцето ми се распарчи на илјадници парчиња кога ја чув веста за оваа незамислива трагедија. Не можам ни да си замислам низ што поминуваат семејствата. Коби ми значеше многу и на сите нас. Испраќам молитви, љубов и бескрајно сочувство до Ванеса и семејството и сите кои загубија некого во тој лет.“

Рис Витерспун

Доналд Трамп


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t can’t be

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Џими Кимел

Меџик Џонсон

Кание Вест и Ким Кардашијан

Џиџи Хадид

Криси Тиген

„Не можам да поверувам дека ова е вистина. Мој Господе. Ох, мој Господе.“

Кендал Џенер

Тони Паркер

Деми Ловато


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